Air pollution
The atmosphere is intended to support life on planet Earth. For example at the moment the ozone layer is very damaged by air pollution, which has been recognized as a threat to human health and to ecosystems on Earth.
Air pollution and urban air quality are two ambiental problems worldwide as the most worrying.
when we look at the streets of Neiva we show that the industrial area and northern Neiva are sectors that report the increase presence of particulates , also the fumes from the cars in most of these sectors; also in our city, there are many old cars and they produce too much smoke that affects the environment.
However, while these two sectors have the greatest impact when environmentalists denied that such encounters measurements indicate that in general the emissions do not exceed the limits set by the regulations but we must try to reduce this risk.
Most environmental risks are strategic sectors of the city and the industrial area, the streets to Fifth Avenue, La Toma, 26 Avenue, second avenue and seventh career.
However, while these two sectors have the greatest impact when environmentalists denied that such encounters measurements indicate that in general the emissions do not exceed the limits set by the regulations but we must try to reduce this risk.
Most environmental risks are strategic sectors of the city and the industrial area, the streets to Fifth Avenue, La Toma, 26 Avenue, second avenue and seventh career.
- Mayor has been put a lot of bins in the city this year
- The new city's laws say that is prohibited to burn trash, make bonfires etc.
- The former mayor ordered plant trees and flowers near the Loro river , near to Mohan and around the Magdalena river fortunately in this moment these area are beautiful places
- The police fine to cars that don't have the techno mechanical gases revision.
the solution is in our hands
Possible Solutions:
- Fine the drivers who have cars that are affecting the air and factories or companies who are increasing pollution measures.
- We must avoid aerosols because they affect ozone layer or other gases also contribute to the greenhouse effect.
- Cars must to got the techno mechanical gases revision.
- When you need to use the car for work, share it with colleagues or neighbors. During my free time or vacation use public transport.
- Train the population about the causes and consequences of this problem
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