Water pollution

Water pollution

Neiva is being affected by a very big problem, for example in the Magdalena river junk you can see too much in floating on the water, in some sectors We have found spilled oil which produce The  death of many species in  the river and health problems to the  people who need this river, and also industrial waste  dumping in the river over a year. People who have businesses near the river, they are the main pollutants.

In conclusion, this pollution not only affects humans, but this also affects wildlife and the different life forms that can live in it. The contaminated water can carry a variety of diseases, some deadly.

  • "Ciudad Limpia" sometimes has cleared around the rivers,but that is not enough.

  • The environmentalist  give in companies lectures about the care of water.

  • Neiva has a new `projet are the eco- house  which have the ecological service of water reuse.

the solucion is in our hands

Possible solutions:
We continue with the water problem in our city, the water is very important in our activity then we'll give you some tips which you can do to both health and the economy of your home.

  • Water for irrigation may come from what was left of the jars of food, which you used for washing vegetables or the bowl of your pet or collect it from the rain.

  • Sprays or diffusers placed on taps to reduce consumption and make better use of these.

  • Watering your plants at dusk or dawn, as this will prevent water loss by evaporation.

  • We must plant more shrubs and native plants as they consume half the water than exotic species.

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